
Author: Sally Brockway

I've noticed some misconceptions about PR in conversations with business owners who have shown an interest in my PR coaching services. The same fears/blocks come up time and time again, so I thought I'd tackle them head-on. They are:   It's not for me - many...

I discovered the power of PR at the age of 23. I didn't really know what PR was back then. I was working as a reporter for a local newspaper and had got the cushy job of being the entertainments editor as well as a...

I wrote a press release for £4 the other day. I did it during an attack of lockdown boredom. The job was one of many featured on one of those content websites and I decided to do it out of curiosity. You might be thinking...

These are crazy times. Businesses are going under, the word 'furlough' is now common parlance and we cannot do so many things that were once taken for granted. I totally understand if you are sat there thinking that now really is not the time to PR...

Moments after Emma Watson appeared in British Vogue telling the world that she’d chosen to describe her singledom as ‘self-partnering’, a plethora of journalist requests appeared on social media asking for case studies and quotes to go with stories about the newly coined phrase. Savvy PRs...

When I was working full-time as a journalist, I used to think that PRs had the life of Riley, gliding from one event to the next, giddy on champagne bubbles and full to the brim with canapés. Either things have changed since then or I...

There’s nothing that excites us more at Wow towers than start-ups and SMEs doing innovative, creative and downright brilliant things. We meet so many amazing entrepreneurs and realise that budget is often an issue when it comes to launching a PR campaign. We also know how...

If I had a pound for every time somebody asks 'Will PR increase my sales?', I'd be somewhere in the Bahamas admiring my baby pink toe nails as I float in a warm ocean happy in the knowledge that I never have to go to...

Promote your business with a killer press release written by a professional journalist and PR. Most press releases hit the spike. That’s an old-fashioned newspaper term for trash. The average editor/reporter/radio show host etc. receives hundreds of releases each week and they simply don’t have time...